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Maintain consistency in typography across all materials. Select one sans-serif font for use across all formats, and establish clear hierarchies for headings, body text, and other elements.

Open Source

We utilize Google Fonts due to their open-source nature and ease of integration across different platforms and applications.

Font Family

Montserrat is the font used for all design work and this documentation site. To install it locally, download it from Google Fonts.

General Font Size Rules

Use 4px increments for headings and other hierarchical elements to create a clear visual structure and improve overall readability.

Small Font Size

When font size becomes smaller, usually below 16px, as with a document made for printing. It may be more advisable to use a 2px increment.

Interventions in Canva

Element Font Size Style
Intervention Title 60px Bold
Heading 1 52px Bold
Sub-Heading 40px Regular
Heading 2 40px Bold
Main Body 32px
Minimum Body 28px


Element Font Size Style
Body 16px Scalable (rem units in CSS)